The Artisans

Giannini Liuteria Artigiana

Di Andrea Giannini

Giannini Liuteria Artigiana was born from the passion for music and from the emotional bond that has been welded over the years.

It begins with a guitar to be repaired and with the discovery of an ancient profession, the luthier, and the bewitching world of violin making.

It is a path that starts from playing an instrument and wanting to discover what makes its voice possible, if you want to understand tosa it is behind it, at the root.

It takes shape from multiple self-taught attempts, from finding ideas and answers in the precious advice of a local luthier and materializing in the School of Master Luthiers of Gubbio where this experience is transformed into the desire to create instruments with their own identity, with an intimate and distinctive timbre.


Classical – acoustic – electric guitar, electric bass, synthesizer sides


Design and production of handcrafted stringed instruments
Restoration of stringed instruments
Repair and maintenance

Open to public / Opening time

Open to public on request





Metal and Stone




Other Elements